According to LinkedIn, there has been a 25% increase of people changing jobs. This speaks to the forever-moving and evolving job market and it’s growth. It does not stand still, and neither should you. Unless you’re already in it, the job of your dreams is still out there, waiting for you to go for it! However, there are some things I’d recommend you keep in mind to increase your chances of success when seeking and applying for jobs. Keep reading if this is you!
Rethink job searching!
Did you know there is a whole hidden job market out there, that you won’t find through mindless scrolling on SEEK? This is what we teach in our job searching strategies and we’d love for you to also get to reap the rewards of knowing how to job search outside the box! Of course, networking is also extremely important in this day and age, as always. As a matter of fact, it is indeed the way the majority of jobs are filled. Consider your current network and get the word out to the people who know and like you, including past employers, colleagues and other connections, and let them know you’re on the market for new career opportunities. Secondly, expand your network. Contacting people you don’t already know may seem scary, but it’s worth it
Show flexibility!
Adaptability in workers is a soft skill that is looked upon very favourably by employers. Show that you embrace change and emphasise your willingness to adapt the way you work to what’s required in the moment. Being the candidate who understands current concerns and the need to work around it will be rewarded.
Ace the virtual interview
Across most industries, virtual interviews have become the new standard, so it is more important than ever to learn how you can promote your skills and suitability for a job through a screen. On a basic level, you should treat a virtual interview just like a face-to-face one, which entails arriving on time, being appropriately dressed and groomed, maintaining eye contact, being courteous and speaking clearly. Furthermore, you should set up your computer in a spot with a neutral backdrop, sufficient lighting, minimal background noise and a reliable internet connection.
The key to feeling and portraying confidence during an interview is preparation. Reflect on yourself, your past experiences and your passions and practice your answers to expected interview questions. If you don’t know what they are or how to best prepare – get in touch for some 1:1 interview coaching. Us coaches can help you articulate your worth in a compelling way!
If you’ve got time, use it!
If you’re unemployed, working in a temporary job that isn’t challenging you, or just happen to have more time than you used to, consider doing one or both of two best things to do with extra time that will benefit your future career: 1. Upskilling, 2. Gaining experience. You can join a training program (such as the Career Accelerator Program), take an online course, practice old skills or something completely new that will help boost your employability. As for experience, doing something is always better than doing nothing. Maybe allow yourself to take a job you can work your way up from rather than waiting for the unicorn job opportunity to show up?
Consider remote working opportunities!
According to LinkedIn, remote job openings have nearly doubled since 2020. Can’t find the job you want in your local area? Start looking Australia-wide, or even beyond that! Many companies have opened up to flexible work-from-home arrangements, cutting out the need to be in-office and having to undertake the daily commute.
So, if you’re one of those people feeling like “it’s just not the right time” – think again! Truth is, there never will be a perfect time, so stop holding yourself back and go make it happen!
Not sure how? Get in touch with a career consultant HERE and we’ll help get you on the right track to the career you want and deserve!
Don’t wait for the right opportunity. Create it.
Book in for a free 20-minute career strategy session with one of our consultants, so you can start taking action today!