


We take a holistic deep dive into who you are as a person, and not just your career history.
We'll help you create actionable steps to work towards your future life and career goals.


Owner, Founder & Business Coach

Kate is a passionate business owner, action taker and thought leader who is motivated by helping people achieve results and find fulfillment in business, careers, and life. Being a multiple business owner, Kate’s career started with over 16 years of experience in Human Resources and recruitment. She holds Diplomas in Counselling, Human Resources, and Management. She's helped over 5000 clients gain confidence, structure, strategy, and revenue generation within their businesses.

Savours - Honesty, no fluff, and camping.
Could do without - Negativity, tomatoes, and arrogance.


Business Support Manager

Amie has evolved with the growth of Kate Langford Consulting and has been involved in most parts of the organisation over the last 4+ years. As a previous small business owner herself, she has undertaken diverse event management and content creation, while also ensuring business operations run smoothly. She has a knack for problem-solving and a passion for helping other business owners to thrive and live their best life.

Savours - Surfing, cake, and a tidy house.

Could do without - Seafood and moths.


Head Career Coach

Shandre is passionate about empowering people to unlock their true potential by finding purpose and passion in Business. Coming from an Employment Relations and Human Resource Management background, working in corporate settings, she has worked with employees that find themselves unhappy in the workplace and understands that success starts at the forefront of doing work that you truly enjoy and are passionate about.
Savours - The ocean, kindness, cooking (and eating)

Could do without - Chives, laundry, spiders


Career Coach

After a number of years in the legal sector and recruitment, Tanya brings a wealth of knowledge to the KLCC team including a passion for helping career changers to find their inner confidence and self-worth. She also enjoys helping our clients to be equipped for the job searching process.

Savours - Recipe books, running and holiday research (more than the holiday!)

Could do without - Parking in new areas, thoughtless people, and burnt toast.


Career Consultant

Felicity is passionate about helping people achieve their wildest dreams and goals! With a background in Leadership Development, Training, Coaching and Business Development, trained in Neuro-Linguistic Programming & Coaching. Felicity is a busy mum of 3 children who understands the challenges parents face navigating careers alongside parenthood!

Savours - Weekend kids sports, Red Wine & State of Origin! #QLDER

Could do without - Craft, poor customer service & sand on the floor


Resume Writer

With qualifications in Psychology and Education and a diverse range of experience, Bec is passionate about making a difference and enjoys immersing herself in each of her writing projects. As a recruiter, she knows what employers are looking for, and loves showcasing the personal attributes of her clients.

Savours - Coffee, sausage dogs, The Office.
Could do without - Spiders, traffic, late nights


Resume Writer

Currently studying a Bachelor in Business majoring in Human Resource Management along with a passion for all things careers, Rachael brings a wealth of knowledge to the KLCC writing team. She has demonstrated experience working across a range of divisions including talent acquisition, project management, and administration within Government and Private sectors.

Savours - Family, juice and travel.
Could do without - Pickles, bad manners and hot weather.


Resume Writer

With 4 years of experience as a professional writer, Kaveen has thrived in the industry thanks to a diverse skillset. Currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Physiotherapy, he has hands-on experience in the health sector as well as the education, sports, and science fields. Kaveen is passionate about writing the perfect resumes to help clients land their dream careers, and he will go above and beyond to bring out the best in people.

Savours - Staying healthy, self-improvement and epic fantasy novels.
Could do without - Complacency, wasting time, sleepless nights.



Creating a team environment and client experience that brings connection to a deeper level to seek to understand, get curious, give, take, and care within the human interaction.


To take feedback with an open mind, through asking questions and continually working on self-growth and self-awareness. Owning the mistakes, taking responsibility without deflection or blame.


Through having buy-in to what you do each day and commitment to the process, you will take the time to think, problem-solve and ask for help when needed without having an ego.


I will always remain positive, glass half full and find ways to improve, without excuses. Maintaining a solution-focused mindset and finding ways to stretch ourselves, is part of our motto and way of life in all we do.


I will, in every opportunity, give thanks, make positive comments,and share gratitude to my team and environment to empower othersto feel good about themselves. I will praise and accept praise fromthose around me to create a positive vibe.


"I love this work because we get to help people who are ready and determined to make a difference in their lives. We get to inspire new beginnings that bring out the best in people. We get to see people beam with new confidence when they get the job they love. It's an amazing feeling."

Kate Langford