Why We Should NOT Use Seek As A Job Searching Tool

One of the most accessed websites in Australia is SEEK for job search. If you are looking for the next big opportunity in your career, you must be going through not one, but several job listing websites. Indeed, you will find some websites more appealing and give you confidence, while others will just keep you going in circles.

About 60% of Australians feel that searching for a new job is stressful and a lengthy task. You need to have your eyes as well as your mind open to understand which job opportunity is the best match for your skills and experience. Living in the internet era, most of us apply for jobs online, and SEEK is often the first site visited. However, it may not be the most ideal job searching tool for you.

Using SEEK for your job search

When you create an account on SEEK.com, you must know that you are entering a pool of millions of candidates, and therefore your chance would be one in a million. Yes, it is true that employers seek online applications but this way, the odds are not that promising.

Most job seekers use SEEK as a one-time job searching tool and do not bother creating or maintaining their profile. Even though it may seem a lengthy and boring task at first, it is what makes the difference. Most employers go through your SEEK profile in addition to your resume and this is why if you are not invested into the website, you might as well avoid it.

Although SEEK offers an easy-to-use interface, its search is not as accurate and you end up wasting time in applying for jobs where your skills are a mismatch. Moreover, every time you apply for a job, the website asks you for the most recent work experience, even though you have already included your resume. It gets frustrating after a while. Furthermore, employers often do not even respond to applications on SEEK. For these reasons, SEEK is best used as a tool to view opportunities rather than giving you a fair chance at winning them.

What’s a better option?

It’s important to know how to sell yourself outside of SEEK, and tap into the hidden job market. Work with a skilled career consultant to develop your confidence so you can market yourself to companies you want to work for. You CAN have a job you love, not just one you can do!


Want more job searching tips? Join our free community today: https://www.facebook.com/groups/careerconfidencecommunity/


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